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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Charlotte City Council Throws More Money at Chief Rodney Monroe

On the list of agenda items at last night’s Charlotte City Council meeting (8/22/2011) was this item:

“22. Police Command Center Upfit”

There was no Council discussion over the dollar amount of the ”upfit.”  Chief Monroe did not show up to give any presentation concerning what they are calling an “upfit.”  Reports elsewhere are that the amount is $600,000.

Item 22  Michael Barnes had been pulled the item, but when Mayor Foxx asked him why, he responded this way:

 “Mr. Mayor, I pulled that item. I believe my concerns and my initial questions have been resolved so I move to approve that item.”

It was then unanimously approved.  It was all over in seconds. 

Without sounding overly-cynical, unless the public is provided an explanation of how those concerns were expressed and investigated, then resolved, it seems like just a show to justify more payments.   There goes another $600,000 to Chief Monroe’s special projects, to a Police Chief whom they have allowed to continue to operate under his own rules, despite being informed of issues that need to be investigated. Why didn’t any other Council Member or the Mayor ask some questions of Monroe’s boss, Curt Walton?

If Michael Barnes is satisfied about his ‘concerns and initial questions’, how about sharing with the class? 

There is still known (positive) action, or even reply, from any council member regarding the seemingly intimidating way the Office of the Chief/Chief Monroe have behaved when asking for the financial information.  I wonder why?

Taxpayers are out another $600,000 for another “upfit,” just after lower-ranking police officers were told there just isn’t any money for raises.

Chief Monroe didn’t show up last night.

Editor's note:  Use the links to the left to see the Meeting video.  More importantly, use the e-mail addresses to the right to tell Council, the Mayor, and the City Manager how you feel about all of the items here (or anything else you feel they should know about). 

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